1996 | Color | Mono | 22 minutes | 16mm | 1:33
Free-man Productions
Cast - Brendan Hanrahan, Jessica Kim
Director of Photography - Zoran Milosavljevic | Co-Producer - Cleveland Gillis & Tsuyoshi Kumano | Co-Writer - Michael Constant | SPFX & Make-up Artist - Kentaro Yano | Writer & Director - Teruyuki Tsujita
MEMORY is a dark fantasy film about a married man who is haunted by his dead wife. John kills his wife Ellen by accident while they are arguing. Since then He gets caught by the unwanted memory. One day she comes back to him....
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-Commended at 10th Festival of Fantastic Films (England) (99)
Official Selection
-38th Brno 16 (Czech Republic) (99)